Friday, July 29, 2016


As I had mentioned in a previous post I was going to write down the name of every town big or small that we travel through on Our American Road Trip in a notebook like I did on the many trips I went on to British Columbia with my grandparents.  Besides blogging about our travels I decided to kind of scrapbook as we go.  Now taking all the scrapbook my supplies along isn't realistic but using a SmashBook from K&Company where I can paste in ticket stubs, receipts, brochures and other memorabilia from our trip in.  I had read a coupl of blog posts from others that did the same thing on their vacations and thought that would be a neat idea to do on this trip.  Setting aside a bit of time in the morning with a coffe or at the end of the day unwinding before calling it a night.  

I picked up a SmashBook at Walmart along with a couple sheets of letter stickers to start. I got lucky that Walmart still had some SmashBooks still in stock with our store cutting back on their crafting supplies every few months.  Another bonus was it was on sale too!!  I like that it came with an all in one pen and glue stick.  


Tonight I decided to add a title to the cover of my travel SmashBook.  Wasn't really sure what to title the book until I sat down and decided to go through the supplies I have and it came to me title it what it really is Our American Road Trip!!

I am very happy how the cover looks!!!  I look forward to journaling our trip and the adventure we'll be on this summer.   

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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!! Have a great day!!

Where ever you go, go with all your heart!!!